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Adding new targeting attributes to Android


This method of adding new targeting attributes is deprecated. Please use the method described in the Recorded Targeting Context doc.

Adding new targeting attributes to Android

This page demonstrates how to add new targeting attributes to Android, enabling experiment creators more specific targeting. For more general documentation on targeting custom audiences, check out the custom audiences docs

Adding the attribute to the application

The Nimbus SDK exposes a new customTargetingAttributes parameter in its initializer that is a Map<String, String> map. We can take advantage of this parameter to pass in new targeting attributes without modifying the Nimbus SDK at all.


A current limitation is that both the key and the value of the targeting attribute are strings. Please reach out to the Nimbus SDK team for any targeting attributes that require integer comparison, or any other richer JEXL expressions that cannot be done with strings.

How to add a new attribute

In NimbusSetup.kt NimbusAppInfo now optionally takes in a map customTargetingAttributes that will be used to add custom targeting. Simply add a new key-value pair to the map and it will be available for targeting. For example:

val appInfo = NimbusAppInfo(
appName = "fenix",
channel = BuildConfig.BUILD_TYPE,
customTargetingAttributes = mapOf(
"newTargetingAttributeName" to "targetingAttributeValue",

Note that since we need to add the targeting attributes on the client code, the attribute changes will have to ride the trains before they are available for targeting.

Adding the attribute on experimenter

After the targeting attribute is ready on the app, you will need to modify experimenter to allow creating experiments that target the attribute you created. Follow the instructions on the custom audiences page to add the new targeting on experimenter.


The targeting JEXL expression on experimenter must use the same name as the key given to the SDK. For example, if the app defines a key-value pair, with key isFirstRun. experimenter expression must use the same name (i.e isFirstRun).
