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Integration Tests


The integration test suite is an end-to-end test suite that uses Selenium and Firefox to verify Nimbus functions properly for users.

Nimbus Tests

Getting Started

You must have Docker installed.

  1. Create a python virtual environment
  2. Copy .env.integration-tests file to .env.
  3. Run make refresh SKIP_DUMMY=1 to initialize the DB and setup Nimbus.
  4. Run the make up_prod_detached command.
  5. Run the following command to run the integration tests: make integration_test_nimbus

To pass custom parameters to pytest use the environment variable PYTEST_ARGS.

Legacy tests

To run the legacy tests follow steps 1-3 above. Then run this command: make integration_test_legacy. This will run the legacy experimenter test suite.

Running a single test

If you would like to run just 1 test, pass this flag to PYTEST_ARGS with the test name you would like to run: -k. Example make integration_test_nimbus PYTEST_ARGS=-ktest_archive_experiment