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Using string alias

string-alias is a type alias annotations for feature variables in the feature manifest language. It defines a named set of strings which can be used and validated elsewhere in the feature manifest.

It is named as a special case of typealiasing found in many languages.

typealias QueryName = String
val queries = mapOf<QueryName, String>()

In this kotlin example above, we are able to use QueryName wherever we're able to use String, and vice versa: there is nothing else linking QueryName with queries.

string-alias defines a named set of valid strings

In FML, the string-alias belongs to the variable definition.

string-alias: QueryName
type: Map<QueryName, String>
ALWAYS: 'true'

Here, QueryName is defined as the set of Strings that are keys in the queries map.

In the example above, we're defining a map of named queries. The default has one entry in.

Where QueryName is used again, its value is checked against this membership test, by the FML:

type: QueryName
default: ALWAYS

Note that had the queries map been empty, we could not have provided a default value for available-if.

Now that the QueryName string-alias has been defined, it can be used in conjunction with any structural type definition for example:

type: Option<QueryName>
default: null

This means that available-if can be either a valid QueryName or null.

type: List<QueryName>
default: []

This means that available-if can be a list of valid QueryName strings.

The named set is used to validate strings by experimenter

Over time, the number of queries can grow in the FML:

string-alias: QueryName
type: Map<QueryName, String>
ALWAYS: 'true'
USER_RECENTLY_INSTALLED: days_since_install < 7
USER_EN_SPEAKER: 'en' in locale
USER_DE_SPEAKER: 'de' in locale

Defining QueryName allows experimenter to validate a feature configuration before it reaches the application:

"available-if": [

In the above example, experimenter shows the user an error:

Invalid value "USER_ES_SPEAKER" for type QueryName; did you mean one of "ALWAYS", "USER_DE_SPEAKER", "USER_EN_SPEAKER" or "USER_RECENTLY_INSTALLED"?

The named set can be added to by FML authors or experiment owners

This can be fixed by adding a query to the queries map in the FML file or the user can add it directly in the feature configuration:

"queries": {
"USER_ES_SPEAKER": "'es' in locale"
"available-if": [

Defining the named set of valid strings

We've seen how a string-alias can be used, and how QueryName was defined as a key in a map.

The valid set of strings can be defined by any existing structural types. Some contrived examples follow:

type: List<SurfaceName>
string-alias: SurfaceName
default: []

Any use of SurfaceName must be contained in the list of surfaces. This may be used as an alternative to an enum, used in a library, but whose variants are defined in an app, thereby breaking the compile-time dependency from library to app.

type: ExperimentSlug
string-alias: ExperimentSlug
default: '{experiment}'

Any use of ExperimentSlug must be the default value. In conjunction with an Option<> at the usage site, this lets us specify either an exact value or null.

For completeness, the string alias named set can be defined as:

  • MyStringAlias: a single value
  • Map<MyStringAlias, _>: keys in a map
  • Map<_, MyStringAlias>: values in a map
  • List<MyStringAlias>: items in a list
  • Option<MyStringAliase>: an option
  • Map<_, List<StringAlias>>: combinations of these structural types.

Only one string-alias can be defined per feature variable. The following– using one variable to define two named sets of strings– is not possible at this time.

string-alias: EventCategory, EventName
type: Map<EventCategory, List<EventName>>

String aliases can be used in nested objects

type: Map<QueryName>
string-alias: QueryName
default: {}
type: Map<CardKey, CardData>
string-alias: CardKey
type: List<QueryName>
default: []
type: List<QueryName>
default: []

String-alias can only be defined in a feature variable. The object can only be used, directly or indirectly, by a feature which defines the string-aliases it uses.