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Notifications exist on Experimenter to remind experiment owners of the following dates:

  • Enrollment ending: This is calculated based on the experiments' proposed enrollment end date (the number of days that was chosen for the Enrollment Period, starting at the Start Date of the experiment)
  • Experiment ending: This is calculated based on the experiments' duration (the number of days that was chosen for the Experiment Duration, starting at the Start Date of the experiment)

These notifications do not necessitate action on the owners' part, but are a reminder to check the enrollment numbers and live monitoring to see if actions can be taken at the proposed dates.

Non-owner subscribers

Non-owners can now subscribe to the same notification emails that experiment owners receive.

To subscribe to an experiment:

  1. Navigate to the summary page of the experiment that you would like to subscribe to (the experiment does not have to be in Live to subscribe)
  2. Scroll to the Overview section, and see the Subscribe button:

  3. Click the button, and make sure that your email address shows up on the subscribers list